A/Prof Andrew Mallett

Researcher biography
Professor Mallett leads the first and largest renal genetics clinical service and program in Australia. Having been a Churchill Fellow, an RACP Foundation Jacquot Research Establishment Fellow and Metro North HHS Clinical Research Fellow, he has a strongly emerging profile in the clinical care and research of inherited kidney disease and nephrogenetics nationally, regionally and internationally. The clinical and translational research he is undertaking includes the epidemiology of inherited kidney diseases, subspecialist models of clinical care for these diseases, and new and novel genetic sequencing for nephrogenetic diagnosis and discovery including approaches to functional validation.
Currently, Professor of Medicine (College of Medicine, James Cook University) and Director of Clinical Research & Nephrologist (Townsville University Hospital & THHS), he is also Clinical Fellow (Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland), Co-Lead Queensland Renal Genetics Program (Genetic Health Queensland, Townsville HHS, MNHHS Genomics Institute), National Director of the KidGen Collaborative and Lead for two Rare Disease Flagships (Australian Genomics Health Alliance), having previously been a recurrent visiting fellow at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research and Addenbrooke’s Hospital, The University of Cambridge. Professor Mallett is the Global Lead for the IMPEDE-PKD Clinical Trial funded by the MRFF ($2.6million, 2021-2025) and delivered by the Australasian Kidney Trials Network (https://aktn.org.au/trials/trials-in-development/impede-pkd/).
Featured projects | Duration |
Spatial genomics technologies to study cancer and genetic diseases in tissue contexts Genome Innovation Hub Collaborative Project (UQ infrastructure) |
2019 |