The GIH newsletter is published quarterly by the University of Queensland Genome Innovation Hub (GIH). This newsletter provides the latest news regarding our GIH collaborative research projects, genomic developments and capabilities.
27 February 2022
Past editions of the GIH newsleter
In this issue we highlight some of our recent achievements, our website launch, announce the new 2021 GIH collaborative projects and congratulate the recipients of 2021 funding successes supported by GIH research. We include highlights from our collaborative research sequencing the Australian wild macadamia, the launch of the microbial genome browser TraDIS-vault and feature our spatial transcriptomics projects. Our GIH collaborator spotlight is Dr Rebecca San Gil, Fight MND Early Career Research Fellow within the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI). Plus more!
In this issue we highlight some of our recent development CAGE (cap analysis gene expression), which is a highly sensitive and accurate quantitative transcriptome analysis method. We include highlights from our collaborative project building a new scalable multi-omics genome platform and congratulate our collaborator Dr Laura Fenlon, who has been awarded a "Start Single Cell" Fellowship from 10x Genomics and Millennium Science. We feature a "day in the life" of the team within the UQ Sequencing Facility. Our GIH collaborator spotlight this month is Dr Mathew Jones Early Career Research Fellow within the UQ Diamantina Institute. Plus more!
In this issue we highlight the RNAscope Hiplex assay, introduce the GIH project Genome Phaser and mention our latest collaborative publications, workshops, software, seminars and news. In this edition we feature three partner UQ facilities: Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, Genomic Research Services and the newly formed Viral Vector Core. We also shine a spotlight on one of our GIH project leaders, Dr CX Chan, Group Leader and Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, and an Affiliate Research Fellow at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience. Plus more!
In this issue we are pleased to introduce our new Deputy Director, Dr Allan McCrae. We also announce our 2022 External Project call, the GIH team's nomination for the UQ Staff Excellence Awards and congratulate GIH's collaborators and committee members on 2021 NHMRC grant success. We highlight one of our collaborative projects involving Single-cell transcriptome and chromatin profiling in plant cells, our latest publications, developments, bioinformatic software and seminars. We shine a spotlight on one of our GIH project leaders, Dr Denuja Karunakaran, Team Leader at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience as well as featuring our collaborative computing facility QCIF Bioinformatics. Plus more!