- Single cell muli-omics analysis
- Machine learning applications in genomics
- Development of biological software tools
Researcher biography
Jon has been working in data analysis for over 15 years. He has experience with a broad range of data analysis and data mining tools such as SAP BI, Oracle BIEE, and SAS. He is proficient in a variety of different programming languages and has worked on numerous operating systems. Jon worked as a software project manager in industry before he obtained a Master of Bioinformatics from UQ. After that, Jon has been focussing on analysing single cell multi-omics datasets, and has developed a novel bioinformatics tool to demultiplex mixed single cell datasets purely based on the difference in genotypes, using machine learning technology. His main interest lies in using different machine learning models to analyse genomics and epigenomics datasets to uncover biological meaning.
As one of the first members of GIH, Jon has collaborated with multiple groups from IMB, QBI, AIBN, QAAFI and School of Biological Sciences.